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Ten Reasons why mums hate Christmas

1. We plan everything and not only does Santa take the credit, dad just gets to do the fun parts.

2. Writing 30 kids Christmas cards knowing full well the kids don't give a stuff, but social etiquette forces you, and you don't want your daughter to be the rude one who doesn't give Christmas card in class. 

3. How much is too much? Do I buy everything I see, is three presents enough? Are ten presents too much? Seriously where is the appropriate present scale when buying your children gifts 

4. Having to pretend you are happy with the amount of gifts aka new clutter your child will be bored of by January.

5. You think really hard and get the family thoughtful presents you know they have wanted all year and what do they get you..a bath gift set......thanks!

6. As if curating a Christmas menu to please everyone's taste buds wasn't enough you also have to some how homemade a Christmas alien outfit within two weeks.

7. Trolling Pinterest for said Christmas menu ideas and endlessly watching Nigella specials knowing full well your chestnut stuffed turkey will NOT look like that. 

8. Having to  along to Christmas songs whilst you drown out your child's "mum can Santa get me..." Questions and pretending you don't know that people are judging you. 

9. That bloody santas grotto queue, where you wait for 2 hours for a five minute experience, but endure it so that your child has picture evidence you cared about them when they were younger. 

10. Breaking your resolutions by rewarding yourself with wine everytime you don't answer your mother in law back! 

Hope all the mummies are enjoying the countdown to Christmas !! 

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