

Style + beauty






Back to the working world...picking myself up

"You're now redundant." A situation I thought after of year of putting my hardest work into, I would not hear. In fact a colleague had called me to ask me to clear her desk as she had heard this words, and not a few moments prior to when I did, so when my name was called I thought 'really?, me?'.

I had known what was coming, I calmed my heart because I was enraged, not to the fact that I was losing a job and would now be financially unstable but more so to the fact that it was only two months prior I had notified the company I would continue my legal practice course and they had made adjustments, welcomed it in fact, even written me a letter stating they looked forward to the my future within the company, so my heart eased, I stopped applying else where I knew I wanted to develop and progress my role within the company which was close knit.

As I left, I thank God I had colleagues who I have remained friends with, who were kind enough to save me  the embarrassment of clearing my desk. 

A few months after I think I went through somewhat depression, I missed classes, I halfheartedly applied for roles I was not even interested in, it was only when my mum and boyfriend eased the financial burden that I was able to begin to recover and concentrate on what it was I wanted. 

I made decisions and actions I wrote things down. I decided I would concentrate on exams and not apply for roles until after try were completed. So below I've written a few guidelines on how I picked myself and making my way back into the working world.

1. I decided I would not compromise I wanted to stay within a legal setting and only applied for roles with a legal aspect. 

2. I concentrated on my LinkedIn profile, I made sure I connected to recruiters within the field.

3. I made a note of roles I applied for, and   Learnt and practiced through interviews, common questions, what my positives were a detailed specification of the skills I had acquire within my last role. 

4. I made sure I had blazers, nothing is worse than not having the right attire, my last role involved a very casual work do I need more of an excuse to shop.

5. I made sure that calls went to voice-mail, this is because when companies get back to you they will usually do a minuscule telephone interview they want to know why you applied, how your skills can add to your role, and nothing sounds more disorganised and uncommitted than 'sorry, what job was that again I've applied to a lot". By allowing a voice-mail message, not only do you know who or what company has called you, you also can remember your cover letter and research a little lore into the company and role.

My search is going well and I will keep you updated. 

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